Welcome to the Writerly Corner's Shameless Plug Page.
Listed below are links to writerly sites of our Writerly Community Members.
June Bourgo
My blog is about my journey as a novelist, news, events, and other authors stories. http://losingcinderella.blogspot.ca/ [email protected] Sandra J. Jackson
My blog on wordpress is called Expressions. It is a blog where I express myself in many ways. Either by poetry, flash fiction, memories or anything really. And I always try to include an expression in whatever my post might be about. Check it out! https://sandrajjackson.wordpress.com [email protected] Ronald Bagliere
Author bio, book releases and blog http://rjbagliere.com/climbingthemountain Teresa Hincks
I chat about things that are happening in my life and life in general, hopefully in a way that connects with others and makes someone smile! http://teri-l.blogspot.com |